Defend the Guard: Tracking & Action Center
Legend: Blue (introduced) Yellow (passed one or more committees) Green (passed one or both houses) Red (dead) Gray (no bill)
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The Defend the Guard Act is a state-level bill that would prohibit the governor from releasing any unit or member of the state’s National Guard into “active duty combat” unless Congress passes a declaration of war” as required by Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution, or if Congress takes an official action pursuant to Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 of the Constitution.
To execute the laws of the union
To suppress insurrections
To repel invasions
Articles: Defend the Guard
Articles: War Powers
- War Powers: The True History of James Madison, the Constitution and the War of 1812
- War Powers: The True History of Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates
- War Powers: The True History of George Washington and the Indian Tribes
- War Powers: The True History of John Adams and the Quasi-War with France